Pork Loin in Spice Crust, Smoked with Hot Smoke - Extravagance House
For the pork loin
- 1000 g pork loin
- 150-200 g coarse salt
- 3-4 tbsp spice mix for steaks, smocked loin, schnitzel, roasted potatoes
For smoking
- charcoal
- sawdust
- grill with lid
Day 1
Cut the fat from the loin, and portion it in 2 pieces if you want more surface covered with spices.
Cover with salt and put in a casserole, then let sit in the fridge for 24 hours. The meat will feel more rigid when touched because the salt removed some of the water contained in the meat.
Day 2
If all the salt melted, add more salt but no more than 50 grams and keep it in the fridge for another 24 hours.
Day 3
Drain the water, wash the meat and cover with water. Keep in the water for 2 - 3 hours to remove some of the salt.
Remove the meat from water, and without drying, cover all the surface with the spice mix. Keep in the fridge for another 24 hours.
Day 4
Prepare the charcoal and light it up. When they are red, add the sawdust, move the charcoal and sawdust towards the middle or towards one of the edges. Place the meat on the opposite side, cover, and let smoke for 2-3 hours. The smoke will die on its own. Let rest for 24-48 hours before serving. It will taste a bit spicy if consumed immediately.
Keep in the fridge. Store for about 3 weeks, or you can freeze.
Serve with smoked cheese, horseradish sauce, tomatoes, radishes, green onions, and boiled eggs with homemade bread.
You can skip the desalting. I tried but it felt too salty for me soo I do recommend it.
If you have a smokehouse, you can smoke the loin in the smokehouse with the grate closer to the heat source, for the hot smoke method, which also cooks the meat.
You can cold smoke with 1 - 2 smoke sessions a day, for 2 - 3 days. Then let dry in the air for 1 - 2 days. In this case, use 1 kg pieces instead of 500 g (do not divide the full piece). The texture will be different.
Here you can find the recipes for:
Spice Mix for Steaks, Smoked Pork Loin, Schnitzel, Roasted potatoes,
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