Assorted Fruits Quick Jam
Fruits quick jam is easy to prepare. Serve for breakfast or in desserts. What easier way to use the extra fruits, before going bad?
- 50 g nectarines
- 150 g apricots
- 200 g pears
- 100 g apples - cored and skinned
- 150 g sugar
Wash, clean, and peel the fruits.
Cut the fruits into big pieces.
*The fruits must be ripe, kind of soft.
Put the fruits and sugar in a double bottom pot or heavy-duty pot and cook on high heat.
Keep on high heat until they start boiling, about 10 minutes, or until the fruits are covered with liquid.
Reduce heat to medium and boil 10 more minutes. Check for the fruits to be soft.
If the fruits are not soft, boil for 10-15 more minutes.
Depending on the texture that you want, you can leave the fruits like this, mash them or blend them. I used a potato masher.
After mashing or blending the fruits, boil for another 10 minutes, put in clean jars, and seal.
Keep in a warm place, covered, until they are completely cooled.
Store in a dark and cold place, up to 2 years.
After opening, store in the fridge for up to 1 month.
Serve with bread and butter, in cakes and cookies, over ice cream (the blended version).
If you want to be sure that the jam is shelf resistant add same amount of sugar like the amount of fruits used. In our case 500 g fruits - 500 g sugar.
I like jams that are not that sweet and we consume them in few months.
It's much easier to find fruits now and doesn't take that long to prepare your own delicious jam.
Other recipes:
-Strawberry and Blueberry Quick Jam,
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