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Traditionally served as an appetizer with tortilla chips, pico de gallo, salsa verde, and salsa roja.

Course Tags Appetizer, Breakfast, Brunch, For lent, Ready in 30 minutes, Sauces, Snak, Vegan
Cuisine Tags Mexican
Prep Time 5 minutes
Servings 2 people
Extravagance House


  • 1 avocado (cca. 150 g whole avocado) or 100 g avocado pulp
  • 1/4 - 1/2 lemon (preferable lime) - juice
  • 1/2 tsp coarse salt
  • 1/4 tsp black pepper


  1. Prepare ingredients. 

    Slice avocado in 2, lengthwise and remove the seed with a knife or spoon.

  2. With a spoon, inserted between skin and pulp, separate the pulp and skin.

  3. Mash with a fork or blend, for a smoother texture. 

    Add salt, pepper and lemon/lime juice, gradually.

  4. Mix and serve with tortilla chips and pico de gallo.



Here you can find other recipes served with tortilla chips:

Pico de gallo

Salsa de queso - Cheese sauce